茶室で心の浄化を得る ─
余分なものを捨て去って、不足と孤独の中に心の充足を感じる「侘び」と、自然の寂しさや人生の無常、枯れに美を見いだす「寂び」─ この崇高な日本の美学は今や世界的にも高く評価されています。そして、神々も人間も等しく自然の中にあると捉え、不完全なものに可能性を見る世界観にもつながり、現代でも日本人の心底にあり続ける感性なのです。
A tea ceremony room is a space where people can unburden their minds. The term wabi-sabi refers to the traditional Japanese aesthetic of imperfection, impermanence, and incompleteness in life. The word wabi describes a sense of fulfillment and serenity even when there is a lack of something. And the word sabi describes when we find beauty in the uncertainty and fleetingness of life. This inherently Japanese aesthetic is revered by people worldwide and lies at the heart of the each generation of Japanese people.